Retsch SM 100 User Manual Page 35

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Cleaning and service
Fig. 22: Mounting the sealing ring with felt gasket
Pos: 8.5 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1. 1 Ü bers chri fte n BD A/1 1 R einig ung @ 0\ mod_1226909670239_9.doc @ 3607 @ @ 1
6.3 Cleaning
Pos: 8. 6 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/V 0027 VOR SICH T Schni ttverl etz ungen Rotorw echsel und Rei nigung @ 2\mod_1259065354428_9.doc @ 17601 @ @ 1
Injuries in the form of cuts
Sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars
The sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars can injure hands.
Wear protective gloves when replacing the cutting rotors and
cleaning the grinding chamber.
Use the rotor extraction tool when handling the cutting rotors.
Pos: 8.7 /00 004 War nhi nweise/ V00 55 VORS ICHT Sch nitt verl etzung en Gef ährdung durc h Schere n am Bod ensie b (SM3 00, SM2 00, SM1 00) @ 3\mod_1282743609296_9.doc @ 22867 @ @ 1
Danger due to shears on the bottom sieve
There is risk of cuts from the shears when inserting and removing the
bottom sieve.
Do not put hands in the outlet hopper.
Only change or remove the sieve when the rotor has been removed.
Pos: 8. 8 /000 10 Bedie nungs anlei tunge n Kapit elsa mmlung en/SM 100/ 0040 SM 100 War tung , Reinig ung un d Ver sc hleiß /4 010 SM 100 M od ul R einig ung @ 3\ mod_1289287670269_9.doc @ 24010 @ @ 1
Risk of injury
When device is not correctly assembled after cleaning
There is a risk of injury to the operator.
The device may only be cleaned by skilled personnel who have been
sufficiently instructed in operating the device.
The following components on this device can be removed or moved for cleaning
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