Retsch SM 100 User Manual Page 27

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Operating the machine
Pos: 7. 8 /000 05 Übers chrif ten/1. 1 Über schrif ten/ 1.1 Über schri ften BD A/11 Ö ffnen u nd schl ießen des Gerät es @ 1\mod_1241510544133_9.doc @ 8826 @ 2 @ 1
5.3 Opening and closing of the grinding chamber
Pos: 7. 9 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/V 0063 VOR SICH T Verl etzung durch dr ehen den Rot or - Still stan d R otor ab war ten @ 3\ mod_1311157127479_9.doc @ 25300 @ @ 1
Possibility of personal injuries
Injuries due to rotating rotor
Reaching into the turning rotor
Never open the grinding chamber door while the rotor
or the motor is still rotating.
Pos: 7.10 /0 001 0 B edien ung sa nleit ung en K a pitels a mmlu nge n/SM 10 0/0015 SM100 B edien ung/1 560 SM 100 Mod ul Öffn en und sc hließ en des G erätes @ 3\ mod_1284973925148_9.doc @ 23755 @ @ 1
Stop the device by actuating the switch (G).
Open the grinding area door by turning the handle (U).
Fig. 7: Opening the grinding area door
Pos: 7.11 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 E ins etz en d er Bode nsi ebe @ 1\mod_1241510694791_9.doc @ 8840 @ @ 1
5.4 Mounting the bottom sieve
Pos: 7. 12 /0001 0 Bedi enung sanlei tung en Kapi telsa mmlung en/ SM100/ 0015 SM100 B edienu ng/1 515 SM 100 Modul Einset zen der Bode nsiebe @ 3\mod_1284973915757_9.doc @ 23674 @ @ 1
Select the appropriate bottom sieve.
Open the mill housing and slide the bottom sieve (I) of your choice into the
Pos: 7.13 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 Wec hsel der Rot ore n @ 1\mod_1241510739447_9.doc @ 8847 @ @ 1
5.5 Replacing the rotor
Pos: 7. 14 /00 004 Warn hinw eise/ V002 7 VOR SIC HT Sc hni ttv erle tzu nge n Rot or wechs el un d Rei nig ung @ 2 \mod_1259065354428_9.doc @ 17601 @ @ 1
Injuries in the form of cuts
Sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars
The sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars can injure hands.
Wear protective gloves when replacing the cutting rotors and
cleaning the grinding chamber.
Use the rotor extraction tool when handling the cutting rotors.
Pos: 7. 15 /00 004 Warn hinw eise/H 0012 HINWEIS Minder ung von Wer kzeugst andz eiten Abrasi ve Wer kstoff e @ 1\mod_1241695652739_9.doc @ 9500 @ @ 1
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