Operating the machine
Pos: 7. 8 /000 05 Übers chrif ten/1. 1 Über schrif ten/ 1.1 Über schri ften BD A/11 Ö ffnen u nd schl ießen des Gerät es @ 1\mod_1241510544133_9.doc @ 8826 @ 2 @ 1
5.3 Opening and closing of the grinding chamber
Pos: 7. 9 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/V 0063 VOR SICH T Verl etzung durch dr ehen den Rot or - Still stan d R otor ab war ten @ 3\ mod_1311157127479_9.doc @ 25300 @ @ 1
Possibility of personal injuries
Injuries due to rotating rotor
– Reaching into the turning rotor
• Never open the grinding chamber door while the rotor
or the motor is still rotating.
Pos: 7.10 /0 001 0 B edien ung sa nleit ung en K a pitels a mmlu nge n/SM 10 0/0015 SM100 B edien ung/1 560 SM 100 Mod ul Öffn en und sc hließ en des G erätes @ 3\ mod_1284973925148_9.doc @ 23755 @ @ 1
• Stop the device by actuating the switch (G).
• Open the grinding area door by turning the handle (U).
Fig. 7: Opening the grinding area door
Pos: 7.11 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 E ins etz en d er Bode nsi ebe @ 1\mod_1241510694791_9.doc @ 8840 @ @ 1
5.4 Mounting the bottom sieve
Pos: 7. 12 /0001 0 Bedi enung sanlei tung en Kapi telsa mmlung en/ SM100/ 0015 SM100 B edienu ng/1 515 SM 100 Modul Einset zen der Bode nsiebe @ 3\mod_1284973915757_9.doc @ 23674 @ @ 1
• Select the appropriate bottom sieve.
• Open the mill housing and slide the bottom sieve (I) of your choice into the
Pos: 7.13 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 Wec hsel der Rot ore n @ 1\mod_1241510739447_9.doc @ 8847 @ @ 1
5.5 Replacing the rotor
Pos: 7. 14 /00 004 Warn hinw eise/ V002 7 VOR SIC HT Sc hni ttv erle tzu nge n Rot or wechs el un d Rei nig ung @ 2 \mod_1259065354428_9.doc @ 17601 @ @ 1
Injuries in the form of cuts
Sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars
– The sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars can injure hands.
• Wear protective gloves when replacing the cutting rotors and
cleaning the grinding chamber.
• Use the rotor extraction tool when handling the cutting rotors.
Pos: 7. 15 /00 004 Warn hinw eise/H 0012 HINWEIS Minder ung von Wer kzeugst andz eiten Abrasi ve Wer kstoff e @ 1\mod_1241695652739_9.doc @ 9500 @ @ 1
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