Retsch SM 100 User Manual Page 28

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Operating the machine
Reduction of tool service life
Abrasive sample materials
The presence of abrasive composite materials during grinding can
considerably reduce tool service life.
When grinding electronic scrap, take the properties of the composite
materials into account.
Pos: 7.16 /0 000 4 W arnhi nw eis e/H 0003 HIN WEIS B esc hädig ung v on mech anisc h en B autei len Sc hnei dmü hl enty pisc hen Bl ock ade @ 1\ mod_1241695971578_9.doc @ 9507 @ @ 1
Damage to mechanical components
Blockages typical of cutting mills
When coarse, solid material is fed in for grinding, the high feeding capacity
of the standard rotor can cause blockages that are typical of the cutting
If blockages occur, switch off the mill immediately and remove the
clogging material.
Pos: 7.17 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1. 1 Über sc hrif te n/11 1 En tnah me des Rot ors @ 1 \mod_1241510848930_9.doc @ 8854 @ @ 1
5.5.1 Removing the Rotor
Pos: 7. 18 /00 010 Bedi enung sa nleit ung en K a pitels a mmlu nge n/SM 10 0/00 15 SM 1 00 B edi enu ng/1 525 SM 100 M od ul E ntn ah me d es R otor s @ 3 \mod_1284973917179_9.doc @ 23692 @ @ 1
Stop the device.
Open the grinding area door.
Screw the removal grip (EG) on the rotor and pull the rotor from the drive
Fig. 14: Removal grip
Pos: 7.19 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1. 1 Über sc hrif te n/11 1 Ei nset ze n des Ro tors @ 1\mod_1241510902772_9.doc @ 8861 @ @ 1
5.5.2 Inserting the Rotor
Pos: 7. 20 /00 010 Bedi enung sanl eitung en Ka pitels ammlu ngen/ SM10 0/0015 SM100 B edien ung/1 520 SM 100 Mod ul Eins etzen de s Rotors @ 3\mod_1284973916460_9.doc @ 23683 @ @ 1
Clean and lubricate the motor shaft and the rotor.
Slide the rotor onto the motor shaft.
Apart from this the device is largely maintenance-free.
Nevertheless we recommend that the cutting tools are checked at least once a
month depending on the frequency of use.
Pos: 7.21 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 F ilt erei nh eit und Auff ang beh älter ei nse tze n @ 2\mod_1259075651377_9.doc @ 17623 @ @ 1
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