Operating the machine
Reduction of tool service life
Abrasive sample materials
– The presence of abrasive composite materials during grinding can
considerably reduce tool service life.
• When grinding electronic scrap, take the properties of the composite
materials into account.
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Damage to mechanical components
Blockages typical of cutting mills
– When coarse, solid material is fed in for grinding, the high feeding capacity
of the standard rotor can cause blockages that are typical of the cutting
• If blockages occur, switch off the mill immediately and remove the
clogging material.
Pos: 7.17 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1. 1 Über sc hrif te n/11 1 En tnah me des Rot ors @ 1 \mod_1241510848930_9.doc @ 8854 @ @ 1
5.5.1 Removing the Rotor
Pos: 7. 18 /00 010 Bedi enung sa nleit ung en K a pitels a mmlu nge n/SM 10 0/00 15 SM 1 00 B edi enu ng/1 525 SM 100 M od ul E ntn ah me d es R otor s @ 3 \mod_1284973917179_9.doc @ 23692 @ @ 1
• Stop the device.
• Open the grinding area door.
• Screw the removal grip (EG) on the rotor and pull the rotor from the drive
Fig. 14: Removal grip
Pos: 7.19 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1. 1 Über sc hrif te n/11 1 Ei nset ze n des Ro tors @ 1\mod_1241510902772_9.doc @ 8861 @ @ 1
5.5.2 Inserting the Rotor
Pos: 7. 20 /00 010 Bedi enung sanl eitung en Ka pitels ammlu ngen/ SM10 0/0015 SM100 B edien ung/1 520 SM 100 Mod ul Eins etzen de s Rotors @ 3\mod_1284973916460_9.doc @ 23683 @ @ 1
• • Clean and lubricate the motor shaft and the rotor.
• Slide the rotor onto the motor shaft.
Apart from this the device is largely maintenance-free.
Nevertheless we recommend that the cutting tools are checked at least once a
month depending on the frequency of use.
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