Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Pos: 5.18 .1 / 00 005 Ü ber schr if ten/ 1.1 Ü ber sc hrift e n/1.1 Üb ersc hri ften BD A/11 T ypens chi ld Besc hrei bu ng @ 3\mod_1280933953941_9.doc @ 22302 @ 2 @ 1
3.6 Type plate description
Pos: 5. 18.2 /0 0003 St andar d Kapit el/Ge neral Modul T ypensc hil d @ 3\mod_1280931092443_9.doc @ 22278 @ @ 1
Fig. 1: Type plate lettering
1 Device designation
2 Year of production
3 Part number
4 Serial number
5 Manufacturer’s address
6 CE marking
7 Disposal label
8 Bar code
9 Power version
10 Mains frequency
11 Capacity
12 Amperage
13 Number of fuses
14 Fuse type and fuse strength
In the case of questions please provide the device designation (1) or the part
number (3) and the serial number (4) of the device.
Pos: 5.19 /0 000 5 Üb ers chrif te n/1. 1 Ü bersc hri ft en/ 1.1 Ü ber schr ift en BD A/ 11 T ra nspor thi lf e en tfer nen @ 0\ mod_1229076673566_9.doc @ 5020 @ 2 @ 1
3.7 Removing Transport Safeguards
Pos: 5.20 /0 001 0 B edien ung sa nleit ung en K a pitels a mmlu nge n/SM 10 0/00 10 SM 1 00 T rans por t, Li ef eru mfa ng u nd A ufs tell en/1 010 SM 100 M o dul Tr a nspor thi lfe ent fer nen @ 3\mod_1284973889130_9.doc @ 23629 @ @ 1
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