Retsch SM 100 User Manual Page 21

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Technical data
Pos: 6.2 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1. Ü ber sc hrift en /1 Tec h nisc he D ate n @ 0\mod_1222344525522_9.doc @ 2407 @ 1 @ 1
4 Technical data
Pos: 6.3 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1. 1 Ü bers chri fte n BD A/1 1 E ins atz d er M asc hin e bei b esti mm ungs ge mäß er V er wendu ng @ 0\mod_1226476732248_9.doc @ 3243 @ 2 @ 1
4.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose
Pos: 6.4 / 00 010 Be dienu ngs anl eitu nge n K apit els amml ung en /SM 100/ 000 5 SM 10 0 T echni sc he Da te n/0 535 SM1 00 Mo dul Ziel gr up pe M aschi ne ntyp @ 3\ mod_1284973723946_9.doc @ 23584 @ @ 1
Target group: Operating companies, operators
Designation of machine model: SM 100
Pos: 6.5 / 00 010 Be dienu ngs anl eitu nge n K apit els amml ung en /SM 100/ 000 5 SM 10 0 T echni sc he Da te n/0 530 SM1 00 Mo dul Ei nsat z b ei besti mm ungsg emäßer Verw endung @ 3\mod_1284973723227_9.doc @ 23575 @ @ 1
This powerful cutting mill is used to grind elastic and fibrous products and product
mixtures in batches or continuously. In addition this device is fundamentally not
designed to grind wet or damp materials. The special moulding of the cutting tools
in conjunction with the drive produces fast, efficient grinding without the ground
material interrupting the procedure.
With the following special features
The new powerful grinding mill can successfully perform difficult grinding tasks
where other grinding mills fail. The device facilitates particularly effective
preliminary grinding of heterogeneous material mixtures such as waste or
electronic components. Analytical fineness can usually be achieved in one step.
The cutting mill can also be used successfully with a number of other materials.
The grinding material is only slightly warmed in the process so that the mill can
also be used for materials that are temperature sensitive.
Use with the large selection of sieves, hoppers and collecting vessels enables the
equipment to be adjusted to individual tasks.
Fast, successive grinding by 18 spiral-shaped cutting plates distributed
round the rotor
Parallel section rotor
Cutting tools made from quality materials
User-friendly with central locking and control panel
Consistent reliability of all operational device components
Diverse use possible due to device variations and wide range of accessories
Powerful grinding thanks to 1,5 kW motor with high torque
Can be cleaned very quickly due to the push-fit rotor
Defined ultimate fineness through bottom sieves with mesh sizes of 0.25 -
20 mm
Pos: 6.6 / 00 004 War nhi nweis e/H 0 007 H INW EIS Eins atz b ereic h de s G erä tes 8 S tün dig er @ 1\mod_1236240219096_9.doc @ 7693 @ @ 1
Area of use of the machine
0TThis machine is a laboratory machine designed for 8-hour single-shift
0TThis machine may not be used as a production machine nor is it
intended for continuous operation.
Pos: 6.7 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1.1 Ü berschr ifte n BDA/1 1 Emmi sione n @ 0\mod_1226487095021_9.doc @ 3310 @ @ 1
4.2 Emissions
Pos: 6.8 / 00 004 War nhi nweis e/ V00 44 V ORS ICH T G ehörs ch ade n (GM 3 00, SM 2 00, S M3 00) @ 1\ mod_1248181519795_9.doc @ 11731 @ @ 1
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