Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Pos: 5.1 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1. Ü ber sc hrift en /1 V erp ack ung, Tra ns port un d Auf st ellung @ 0\mod_1226494451893_9.doc @ 3380 @ 1 @ 1
3 Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Pos: 5.2 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1. 1 Ü bers chri fte n BD A/1 1 V erpac ku ng @ 0 \mod_1226495088973_9.doc @ 3392 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Packaging
Pos: 5.3 / 00 003 Sta ndar d K api tel/ Gen eral Mo dul Ver pac kung @ 0\mod_1228984618355_9.doc @ 4892 @ @ 1
The packaging has been adapted to the mode of transport. It complies with the
generally applicable packaging guidelines.
Pos: 5. 4 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/H 0001 HI NWEIS Aufbe wahrung der Ver pac kung @ 0\mod_1228918881595_9.doc @ 4753 @ @ 1
– In the event of a complaint or return, your warranty claims may be
endangered if the packaging is inadequate or the machine has not been
secured correctly.
• Please keep the packaging for the duration of the warranty period.
Pos: 5.5 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1. 1 Ü bers chri fte n BD A/1 1 Tr ans por t @ 0\mod_1226495164391_9.doc @ 3398 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Transport
Pos: 5. 6 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/H 0017 HI NWEIS Transp ort @ 0\ mod_1228918883019_9.doc @ 4802 @ @ 1
– Mechanical or electronic components may be damaged.
• The machine may not be knocked, shaken or thrown during
Pos: 5.7 / 00 005 Über sc hrif ten /1.1 Ü b ersc hrif te n/1. 1 Ü bers chri fte n BD A/1 1 T emp era tursc hw ank ung en @ 0\ mod_1226495190738_9.doc @ 3404 @ 2 @ 1
3.3 Temperature fluctuations and condensed water
Pos: 5. 8 /000 04 Warnhi nweis e/H 0016 HI NWEIS Temper aturs chwan kung en @ 0\mod_1233564121287_9.doc @ 5570 @ @ 1
The machine may be subject to strong temperature fluctuations during transport
(e.g. aircraft transport)
– The resultant condensed water may damage electronic components.
• Protect the machine from condensed water.
Pos: 5.9 / 00 005 Über schr iften /1.1 Üb erschri fte n/1.1 Ü berschr ifte n BDA/1 1 Beding ung en für den Aufstel lort @ 0\mod_1226497029322_9.doc @ 3428 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Conditions for the place of installation
Pos: 5. 10 /00 003 Stan dard K apitel/ Gen eral M od ul U mge bung st em per atur 5°C - 40° C @ 0\mod_1228918538881_9.doc @ 4745 @ @ 1
Pos: 5.11 /0 000 4 W arnhi nw eis e/H 0021 HIN WEIS U mge bung st emp erat ur 5° C bi s 4 0°C @ 0\mod_1228918883441_9.doc @ 4816 @ @ 1
– Electronic and mechanical components may be damaged and the
performance data alter to an unknown extent.
• Do not exceed or fall below the permitted temperature range of the
machine (5°C to 40°C / ambient temperature).
Pos: 5. 12 /00 003 Stan dard K apitel/ Gen eral Mod ul Luftfeuchtigkeit @ 0\mod_1228918538693_9.doc @ 4738 @ @ 1
Atmospheric humidity:
Maximum relative humidity 80% at temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly up
to 50% relative humidity at 40°C
Pos: 5. 13 /00 004 Warn hinw eise/H 0011 HINWEIS Luftf euchti gkei t @ 0\mod_1228918882628_9.doc @ 4788 @ @ 1
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