Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual Page 8

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Notes on the Operating Manual
Pos: 2.5 /0020 Ü berschriften/1. 1 Überschrift en/1.1 Überschri ften BDA/11 G enerelle Sicherh eitshinweise @ 0 \mod_1222 344568974_9.d ocx @ 2463 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 General safety instructions
Pos: 2.6 /0025 Warnhinweise/V0 002 VORSICHT Bedienungsa nleitung lesen @ 2\mod_1 263894982815_9. docx @ 186 30 @ @ 1
Read the Operating Manual
Non-observance of these operating instructions
The non-observance of these operating instructions can
result in personal injuries.
Read the operating manual before using the device.
We use the adjacent symbol to draw attention to the
necessity of knowing the contents of this operating
Pos: 2.7 /0010 R ETSCH Standard KapitelGen eral Modul Zielgr uppe und Sicherh eit @ 0\m od_1228722955 300_9.docx @ 4100 @ @ 1
Target group : All persons concerned with the machine in any form
This machine is a modern, high performance product from Retsch GmbH and
complies with the state of the art. Operational safety is given if the machine is
handled for the intended purpose and attention is given to this technical
Pos: 2.8 /0010 R ETSCH Standard KapitelGen eral Modul Sicher heitshinweise @ 0\mod_12 28722954800 _9.docx @ 4086 @ @ 1
You, as the owner/managing operator of the machine, must ensure that the people
entrusted with working on the machine:
have noted and understood all the regulations regarding safety,
are familiar before starting work with all the operating instructions and
specifications for the target group relevant for them,
have easy access always to the technical documentation for this machine,
and that new personnel before starting work on the machine are familiarised
with the safe handling of the machine and its use for its intended purpose,
either by verbal instructions from a competent person and/or by means of
this technical documentation.
Improper operation can result in personal injuries and material damage. You are
responsible for your own safety and that of your employees.
Make sure that no unauthorised person has access to the machine.
Pos: 2.9 /0025 WarnhinweiseV 0015 VORSICHT + H INWEIS S ach- und Perso nenschäden @ 1\mod_12 36238456676_9 .docx @ 7642 @ @ 1
Changes to the machine
Changes to the machine may lead to personal injury.
Do not make any change to the machine and use spare parts and
accessories that have been approved by Retsch exclusively.
Changes to the machine
The conformity declared by Retsch with the European Directives will lose
its validity.
You lose all warranty claims.
Do not make any change to the machine and use spare parts and
accessories that have been approved by Retsch exclusively.
Pos: 2.10 /0005 RET SCH/0005 R ETSCH Be dienungsanleitunge n Kapitelsamml ungen/------- Seitenumbr uch ----------- @ 0\mod_122 2344373758_ 0.docx @ 2386 @ @ 1
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