Retsch AS 200 jet User Manual Page 22

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Operating the machine
Pos: 9.11 /0020 Üb erschriften/1 .1 Überschriften/ 1.1 Überschrif ten BDA/11 Arb eitsweise Retsc h @ 0\mod _1228990496 537_9.docx @ 49 60 @ 2 @ 1
5.4 Working procedure
Pos: 9.12 /0005 RET SCH Bedi enungsanleitung en Kapitelsam mlungen/AS200J et/0007 A S200Jet Bedien ung/AS200Jet Mo dul Arbeits weise @ 1\mod_1 243413970772 _9.docx @ 9 550 @ @ 1
The AS 200 jet has an air nozzle, which is set rotating. The sieve with lid is put on
top of that. A vacuum unit generates a jet of air, which disperses the particles
through the air nozzle on the sieve. The material, which is smaller than the sieve’s
mesh size is transported by the backflow of the air into the cyclone or directly into
the vacuum cleaner. The jet of air de-agglomerates the particles and cleans the
sieve mesh constantly.
Pos: 9.13 /0020 Üb erschriften/1 .1 Überschriften/ 1.1 Überschrif ten BDA/11 Ein- / Ausschalt en @ 0\mod_122 9416527496_ 9.docx @ 50 58 @ 2 @ 1
5.5 Switching On and Off
Pos: 9.14 /0005 RET SCH Bedi enungsanleitung en Kapitelsa mmlungen/AS2 00Jet/0007 AS2 00Jet Bedien ung/AS200Jet Mo dul Ein und Aussc halten @ 1 \mod_123919 4085237_9.d ocx @ 8018 @ @ 1
Press the on/off switch (M) at the back to turn on the device.
When the switch is in the "off" position, the device must be disconnected
completely from the mains power supply.
Pos: 9.15 /0020 Üb erschriften/1 .1 Überschriften/ 1.1 Überschrif ten BDA/11 Eins etzen des An alysesiebes @ 1 \mod_1236 591586574_9.d ocx @ 7875 @ 2 @ 1
5.6 Inserting the test sieve
Pos: 9.16 /0005 RET SCH Bedi enungsanleitung en Kapitelsam mlungen/AS200J et/0007 AS20 0Jet Bedienung/ AS200Jet Modul Einsetzen des Analysesi ebes @ 1\mod _12391940124 58_9.docx @ 8 004 @ 3 @ 1
The AS200jet is intended for Retsch test sieves with a diameter of 203mm (8
inches) and a height of 25mm (1 inch) or 50mm (2 inches). The range of mesh
fineness extends from 10µm to approx. 4mm.
Fig. 7: Inserting the test sieve
Place the sieve in the nozzle compartment (T).
Close the sieve with the air jet sieve lid (A) intended for the respective sieve height.
The AS200jet cannot be started until the sieve has been inserted and the lid put
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