Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Pos: 8.13 /0005 RET SCH/0099 R ETSCH Standar d Kapitel/Gen eral Modul Aufs tellungshöhe @ 0\mod_1 228918538349_ 9.docx @ 472 4 @ @ 1
Installation height: maximum 2000 m above sea level
Pos: 8.14 /0005 RET SCH/0005 R ETSCH Be dienungsanleitu ngen Kapitelsam mlungen/AS20 0Jet/0006 AS 200Jet Transport, Lieferumfang u nd Aufstellen/A S200Jet Modul Grafiken Lufteinlass offen halten @ 3\ mod_1307347943 605_9.docx @ 25260 @ @ 1
Pos: 8.15 /0020 Üb erschriften/1 .1 Überschri ften/1.1 Überschrif ten BDA/11 Ele ktrischer Anschl uss @ 0\m od_12265650 67445_9.docx @ 3 500 @ 2 @ 1
4.6 Electrical connection
Pos: 8.16 /0025 Warnhinweise/V 0048 VORSICHT U nter Stroms pannung stehe nde Teile (AS 200Jet) @ 3\ mod_1282734 266259_9.doc x @ 22807 @ @ 1
Parts connected to voltage
The power supply is suddenly switched on
– When you switch the device on there is danger of an electrical shock at the
electrical connection for the external suction device.
• Do not touch the electrical connection for the external suction device
and do not insert any parts into the openings.
Pos: 8.17 /0005 RET SCH/0099 R ETSCH Standar d Kapitel/Gen eral Modul El ektrischer Ansc hluss @ 0\mo d_122891853 8521_9.doc x @ 4731 @ @ 1
When connecting the power cable to the mains supply, use an external fusethat
complies with the regulations applicable to the place of installation .
• Please check the type plate for details on the necessary voltage and
frequency for the device.
• Make sure the levels agree with the existing mains power supply.
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