Technical data
Pos: 5.1 /0020 Ü berschriften/1. Ü berschriften/1 T echnische D aten @ 0\mod_ 12223445255 22_9.docx @ 2 407 @ 1 @ 1
3 Technical data
Pos: 5.2 /0020 Ü berschriften/1. 1 Überschriften/1 .1 Überschrift en BDA/11 Einsa tz der Maschi ne bei besti mmungsgemäßer Verwendung @ 0\mod_1226 476732248_9.d ocx @ 3243 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose
Pos: 5.3 /0025 Warnhinweise/V0 005 VORSICHT explosionsgefär dete Atmos phäre @ 1\mo d_123986866 8923_9.doc x @ 8140 @ @ 1
Risk of explosion or fire
– On account of its design, the device is not suitable for use in hazardous
(potentially explosive) atmospheres.
• Do not operate the device in a hazardous atmosphere.
Pos: 5.4 /0025 Warnhinweise/V0 003 VORSICHT Explosions- oder Brandgefa hr Sieben @ 1\mod_12439 24323407_9.doc x @ 10360 @ @ 1
Risk of explosion or fire
Changing sample characteristics
– Note that the characteristics and accordingly the danger presented by a
sample can change during sieving.
• Do not sieve any potentially explosive or combustible materials in
this device.
Pos: 5.5 /0025 Warnhinweise/V0 006 VORSICHT Gefahr von Personenschäd en Gefährliche St offe @ 1\m od_123623845 6269_9.docx @ 7634 @ @ 1
Danger of personal injury
Dangerous nature of the sample
– Depending on the dangerous nature of your sample, take the
necessary measures to rule out any danger to persons.
• Observe the safety guidelines and datasheets of your
sample material.
Pos: 5.6 /0005 R ETSCH/0005 RET SCH Bedien ungsanleitung en Kapitelsam mlungen/AS200J et/0005 AS200Jet Technische Da ten/AS200Jet Modul Ei nsatz bei bestim mungsgemäße Verwendung @ 1\mod_123 6585801365_9.doc x @ 7778 @ @ 1
Target group: Owner/managing operator, operator
Machine Type Designation: AS200jet
The AS200jet is specially designed for the dry sieving and the particle size
determination of fine-grained, dry, pourable and dispersed bulk materials. The
sieve holder is particularly suitable for the Retsch 203-mm-diameter test sieves.
This device offers user-friendly operation with rotary knob control and a large
graphic display. All sieve parameters are set, indicated and monitored digitally.
Work is also made easier by the possibility of storing up to 9 and 10 (QUICK
START) parameter combinations directly in the sieve shaker for frequently
repeated sieving operations under the same conditions. The QUICK START key
allows direct access to a combination of parameters.
The device can be controlled and adjusted with the EasySieve® evaluation
software. With EasySieve® all sieve parameters are displayed on the screen
before and during the sieving procedure.
The AS200jet can then reduce the average sieving times in samples with a high
fine fraction.
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